The myths of women progressing to the top

Honeydew is a predominately female company and we are all naturally very career driven. So an article by the CIPD outlining research undertaken by the 30% club, intrigued us. The 30% club have debunked the myths of women progressing to the top, career wise and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Continue reading

Lesson from Netflix: HR can be innovative too

‘Netflix culture’ slideshow has been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Patty McCord, the then Chief Talent Officer who co-devised the strategy and slide deck, wrote an article for Harvard Business Review explaining what is so revolutionary in their approach. It makes for very interesting reading. Continue reading

Improving relations between HR and line managers

HR Magazine published an article today commenting on research done by the management consultancy firm, Hay Group. The research tells us that half of line managers that took part in the study felt that HR did not give them the appropriate support they needed to be good managers. There were various reasons for this but the one reason in particular that struck us at Honeydew as very simple to solve was this: Continue reading

How to: Implement Absence Management?

One thing Honeydew knows how to do well is implement Absence Management effectively. However we also know that it can be tricky for companies to implement a new and better way of dealing with staff absenteeism. We are here to make it simple for you to encourage as many of you to embrace an improved approach to maximising attendance. Continue reading

How to: Set absence targets to achieve good attendance

Effective absence management is highly dependent on good communication, specifically communication between management and employees. If the employee is honest and punctual in updating the employer on the status of their health or personal situation, the employer can help and manage the situation for a swift return to work and minimal impact on the remaining employees.

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