Create workplaces and job roles to love 24/7

With the pressures at work being held on a constant high, employees sometimes become bored and fed up with their roles very quickly. The internet has been inundated with articles claiming to show you how to ‘re-engage your employees, now!’ so we decided to read through the advice out there and compiled a list of tips that actually do create workplaces and job roles to love 24/7. Continue reading

The myths of women progressing to the top

Honeydew is a predominately female company and we are all naturally very career driven. So an article by the CIPD outlining research undertaken by the 30% club, intrigued us. The 30% club have debunked the myths of women progressing to the top, career wise and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Continue reading

Happy companies make more money

So last week we wrote about how the scientists behind Blue Monday have decided that its date should be changed from the 3rd Monday in January to the 1st Monday after New Year. That may well be true but many still struggle to stay positive throughout the month of January Continue reading

Finnish Independence Day and other cultural discoveries

For those of you that have not met any of us at Honeydew Health, we are actually a very multinational team with the 5 of us hailing from Denmark, Finland, Poland and the UK. With such a great variety on offer, every organisation should embrace their different cultures! Continue reading