Happy companies make more money

So last week we wrote about how the scientists behind Blue Monday have decided that its date should be changed from the 3rd Monday in January to the 1st Monday after New Year. That may well be true but many still struggle to stay positive throughout the month of January and many organisations will be marking the date 20 Jan 2014 as the height of collective depression. When is your motivation and energy at the lowest? Is it in January or some other time of the year? We’d love to hear when your personal Blue Monday is so please share your stories on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. It might not be a Monday at all!

It’s good sometimes to think about when and why we feel low to see if there is anything we could do about this. However, rather than spending a lot of time dwelling on the things that bring you down, why not watch this little video clip by Good Day at Work that will show you just how important happiness at work is – not just for the employees but even more so for the companies. It’s really simple: happy companies make more money. After watching the clip, ask yourself if you could celebrate this Blue Monday by starting to make your workplace a happy workplace so that this time next year you won’t be struggling with the collective low.

Your role in your company will define what action you can take to change the working environment and culture but regardless of how high in the organisation you are, you can always do something. If you don’t have the power to change the company mission statement, you can still make every day a little better for yourself and everyone else by being a better team player and getting the satisfaction of doing your job really well. You could also suggest to your boss some ideas for putting employees first. Or just forward them a link to this blog and let the video clip do its work.

Happy Mondays everyone!

If you work at a ‘Happy Workplace’, or if you decide to make a change this year to make your workplace happier, please share your story with us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook!

Honeydew Health Ltd