The power of the Return To Work interview

The return to work (RTW) interview is the single most effective tool for reducing short-term absence. Managing long-term absence has its challenges and dealing with these is not, by any means, easy. However, there are a number of resources to help intervene in long-term cases such as Employee Assistance programmes, Occupational Health, physiotherapy, counselling etc. When it comes to short term absence, most often using the same support services isn’t feasible due to the cost or they are simply just not appropriate to address the reason for absence.

But don’t despair, there is a solution! The return to work interview has proved an effective way of tackling short-term absence. This doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be used when long-term absentees come back to work – on the contrary, the interviews should be conducted after every absence, equally and consistently. Most importantly, though, the return to work interview should be used to help discover underlying reasons for recurring absence, to challenge employees who may be ‘pulling sickies’ to discuss their absenteeism and to ensure repeat absentees don’t go unnoticed.

What points should be covered in a return to work interview?

  • check that the employee is fit to return to work
  • ask the employee to explain the reason for absence
  • explain what impact the absence had at the workplace
  • give an update on what has happened whilst the employee was away
  • review the employee’s level of absence and comment on whether this is acceptable or not
  • discuss ways to prevent future absence or improve attendance where absence levels are unacceptably high

Why is the return to work interview so effective?

  1. They provide a forum for addressing any relevant issues that may be causing the employee’s absences
  2. They help pinpoint any underlying pattern of absence or cause of absence
  3. They make sure managers understand why employees are absent
  4. They indicate to employees that their absence was noticed and that they were missed.
  5. They demonstrate to employees that absence is a high priority for the employer and that stated policies are being put into practice.

Want some further help on return to work interviews? Check out the Guide to Absenteeism – Getting a Grip, CIPD Short Term Absence Management Guide and 10 Top Tips for Effective RTW Interviews. You could also download our eBook for some excellent guidance.








Honeydew Health Ltd