Christmas excuses for pulling a sickie

Last year Honeydew wrote about how access to the internet has created a new wealth of information on how to be good at pulling a sickie from work. It seems to have changed the boundaries of the ridiculous excuse and they’re only getting sillier.

It’s the last full working week before Christmas and many of us are eager to get the holidays started. But how far would one go to grab a few extra days off?

Pleated Jeans have published an advent calendar of excuses for not leaving the house throughout the entirety of December – let’s hope this hasn’t spread too far for the sake of our absence management!

However, If you are bored of the usual far-fetched and elaborate excuses for sickies, Honeydew Health actually wrote a great tongue in cheek ‘How to’ guide for pulling a sickie effectively without making it too obvious.


Honeydew Health Ltd